Our Team
Below you will find some of the most gifted healers and creatives that represent the magic!
If you are a practitioner, and would like to join us at one of our events, just email info@themagicofmountshasta.com, and we will get back to you!
Gayle Fuller
Gayle Fuller, the Founder of The Magic of Mount Shasta, serves as an ascension guide, healer, and galactic ambassador. Her profound connection with the mountains and nature, combined with encounters with benevolent beings and ascended masters, has shaped her spiritual journey. She is dedicated to sharing the transformative experiences she has had on Mount Shasta with others.
Through curated retreats and custom experiences, she invites participants to join her on a journey of deep healing, galactic contact, and life-changing realizations. Gayle emphasizes the significance of listening to the call of the mountain, as it holds something important for each individual to experience.
Danny Tash
I'm Danny Tash, a California native with Persian roots, driven by a mission to showcase the healing powers of community and food. Founder of Libra Moon Market, I've created a holistic haven where food is more than sustenance – it's a shared celebration.
My culinary passion, cultivated since a young age, draws inspiration from eastern principles and spices. I see food as medicine. I believe in crafting dishes that embody balance, and aligning with the elements and seasons. The result is a symphony of flavors that transcends borders, creating a sensory bridge to the global world of food.
I’m excited to share space with everyone as — looking forward to creating some magic!
Leslie & Lorenzo
Guides, healers and activators here to assist through divine guidance , healing & counseling to gain wisdom, clarity and balance within.
Leslie focusing on healing the divine feminine , crown healing , channeled guidance, and Lorenzo focuses on healing the masculine and creating balance
Simone Hodgins
Hi, I am Simone, and I help conscious leaders, visionaries, and entrepreneurs to do the inner work that sets them free, and gives them the capacity to take the outer aligned strategic actions that create a new level of wealth, impact and legacy through their unique essence and soul mission .
David Nugent
Hi, I'm Dave, and I seamlessly blend creativity and digital expertise to elevate brands to new heights. As a multifaceted professional, I specialize in graphic and web design, marketing, photography, and videography, weaving together captivating visuals and compelling narratives that resonate with the soul.
With a profound understanding of the spiritual landscape, I can bring a unique perspective to the world of spiritual marketing. My approach goes beyond conventional strategies, infusing a spiritual essence into every project I undertake. My eye for design, coupled with technical ability, results in my work that not only looks stunning but also conveys a deeper, more meaningful message.
Emily Spain
Emily is a multifaceted cosmic healer and guide, specializing in a variety of modalities aimed at empowering YOU on your unique path. Tapping into your past, present and future state of being, she helps you to unearth your strengths and identify your passions and mission here on Earth.
Some of the creative ways she helps you unlock your gifts are writing coaching (we all have stories to tell), life coaching, astrological readings, reiki healing, spiritual guidance, and curated tarot experiences. She calls forth ancient souls ready to remember who they are!
I work with motivated spirits just like you who want to quit their humdrum existence and embrace Life as an Adventure.
I’m an Energy Healer/Intuitive, Feminine Empowerment Coach and Spiritual Teacher. My mission is “To inspire and enable all who are hungry to transform their lives from a place of discomfort to one of Magic, Empowerment and Sovereignty”. I’m most passionate about practicing and teaching the lightning fast Integrative Quantum Medicine™ (IQM) to give people a tool to heal their own lives. I also facilitate “Shamanic Journeys to Telos” Online, weekly circles and retreats in Mt. Shasta to connect people to their Lemurian family of the 5th dimension. Are you struggling to transform your life from one of hardship to one of magic and flow?
No worries! I can help you get there with Grace and Ease with unique support tools tailored just for you. Everything is about you and what you want to do and how fast you want to go, I am only here to guide you and support you as you make your Dreams a Reality!
Gary Cromp
Gary is a Galactic Alchemist that will take you on a journey into your higher self. He uses harmonics of creation and ancient knowledge and frequencies to stimulate conscious to balance you and planet and beyond into the Universe. He offers a variety of experiences based on your needs and desires. Using the knowledge of harmonics to alchemy of sacred spring waters, teas, cheeses, fruits, honeys and more, his healing is medicine. The technologies that Gary works with are advanced and based on geomagnetics, working with crystal peezio electric current and copper. Gary also creates incredible devices that can be personally created for you!
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