Join me and experience the Magic of Mount Shasta, where we will get you to the most powerful sacred sites, vortexes, and portals on the mountain.
New Moon Retreat June 25th-29th, 2025
The New Buck Moon is a cosmic portal of growth, renewal, and transformation—a time to set powerful intentions and awaken to your highest potential.
And there is no better place to activate this energy than on the largest medicine wheel in the world, The Michael & Mary Mandala, channeled through Archangel Metatron and gridded along sacred ley lines and crystal grids.
This is your invitation to experience deep spiritual awakening, manifestation, and energetic alignment on one of the most powerful vortexes on Earth. Click the button to find out more and book the retreat.
8/8 Lions Gate Retreat August 7th-11th, 2025
Are You Ready to Receive the Activations Meant for You?
This is a gathering of guides, leaders, and way-showers of the New Earth. A space where you will activate your highest timeline, unlock hidden spiritual gifts, and embody your divine purpose—in one of the most powerful vortexes on the planet.
Mount Shasta has been waiting for you.
Click the button to find out more and book the retreat.
Deepen your relationship with Gaia (Mother Earth)
After taking important steps to energetically prepare and set intentions, you will be taken to visit sacred sites, be in nature and take the proper steps to attain this deeper connection.
This is different from just hiking in nature. It is a sacred process that needs to be done with respect, honor and preparation. For example, you will visit sacred sites and beautiful nature, take sacred walks and really connect and feel the root Chakra of the earth and feel the connection to the energies, beings and elements around you.
We will take you to sacred spots where you will drink the purest water and cleanse your system to allow major activation and energy channeling in the vortex energy. In order to have the ultimate connection with the earth and experience yourself in a new way, you must energetically and intentionally be prepared, which we walk you through. You must take these sacred steps and initiations to really understand how Gaia works.
Learn about the virtues of harmonics and how they relate to creation
You will be taken on a journey of sounds by incredible sound healers and a true gem of Mount Shasta with his sound technology through frequencies and learn about harmonics and how to balance your energy.
This harmonic experience will balance your energies and take you more into your higher self.
Connect with your Inner Child
Mount Shasta is one of the most powerful vortex places where you can connect with your inner child in a powerful way. The vortexes are designed for this. To experience Shasta in this way, there are steps that need to be taken. This process is what we are very experienced in and will guide you through. This will be a beautiful initiation into a higher level.
You become a child of the earth again and the things you were so concerned or anxious about before just fade away.
Your creativity activates, inspiration flows in, clarity comes and you’re able to liberate yourself from the constraints of possibility and move into more limitlessness. Programming and blocks that you held onto before from childhood trauma or past experiences unravel and allow you to see your life in a new way. Most people in these retreats/experiences leave a changed person and make powerful shifts in their lives.
The only way you can attune with your higher self fully is to have mastery of your inner child.
This experience in Mount Shasta allows you to tap into this magic!
Connect with your Galactic Family through Contact Experiences
This is one of our favorite experiences we get to guide people through! Mount Shasta is known for many contact experiences; UFOs, Ascended Master and other types of contact. Seeing starships at night is a regular occurrence!
We will be guiding you through our signature method in a very sacred and protected location with a lot of activity to make contact with star brothers and sisters. Many times, we have the honor of beautiful starships hovering over us, connecting with us and bringing us downloads, messages, DNA Upgrades and more. It is truly an eye-opening and heart-expanding experience.
Our guides have been through their own initiation through contact, and will be sharing this knowledge and energy with you as we take you through the experience to connect!
We love making contact for the ultimate goal of raising consciousness and connecting to unity and unconditional love. Many have experiences that allow them to connect with their own star origins, or their life purpose.
Your experience will be unique to what is for your highest good!
Heal and Activate
Our team of healers and practitioners will take you through a healing journey throughout your experience.
These practitioners have all been through initiations on Mount Shasta and have experienced the magic and activations in their own journeys.
There are many beautiful offerings you will experience, such as:
Spinal Energetics
Reiki Healing
Sound Healing
Ecstatic Dance
Light Language
Drum ceremony
Advanced Harmonic Balancing
Gentle Yoga Stretching
Meditation & DNA Activation
Cranial Massage & Crown Healing
Retreat Workshops
On our retreat, we will be doing some magical workshops such as:
Light Language Activation
Starseed Origins
Magic & Manifestation
Astrological Chart Reading
Higher Self Reading
Inner Child Healing
Working with plants, smudging and more!
Journey to Telos
You will also take a journey to Telos, the Lemurian city underneath Mount Shasta. Mount Shasta, CA is part of the old Lemuria and a portion of the Lemurians who survived the fall of Lemuria were given permission to store their records and live in the inner earth, underneath Mount Shasta.
Connect with Guides, Ascended Masters, Elementals & More!
Many feel the connection to the ascended masters, elementals, angels, benevolent ET's and more while in Mount Shasta, because the veils are so thin and when you are energetically initiated, as we will guide you through, you can truly connect in a deeper way.
We have had physical visits from beings like ascended master Saint Germaine and Adama, the high priest of Telos.
The magic that happens in Shasta is limitless.
Please email to curate your own unique experience!
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